Ami Cheats - Main


This is the non-frames version Ami Cheats. This version contains all the information of the frames version, although it isn't as easy to navigate. You'll have to use your browsers back button to come back here or to the main index before linking to another dir or game. If your browser supports frames you may select the following link to goto the frames version of Ami Cheats.

This site contains cheats, level codes, solves, etc, for Amiga computer games. While some of the games herein are also available for other systems (MS-DOS, Windoze, Mac, etc.) the cheats for those versions may be different than the ones listed here.

This site is the result of a collection i started about 10 years ago. A lot of the cheats are old and i don't remember where i got them. My main sources have been magazines, local BBS's, working them out myself, newsgroups, fido net, and more recently contributors. To find out more about the author of this site check out timt's Home Page.

This site was 100% made with Amiga computer hardware and software. It conforms to the HTML standards. I don't believe in using any extensions since they defeat the purpose of defining a platform independent standard.

If you have any questions, site design suggestions, or know of any Amiga cheats, level codes, hints or solutions that are not on the site please e-mail them to:

Logo: Amiga


Site Created: Mar. 22, 1996
Last Updated: Sep. 28, 1998
Game Titles: 1, 313


You'll find an alphabet stream at the bottom of this page. These letters are links to indexes of all the game titles beginning with that letter. There are also links to this page, an index of the entire site and a page of Amiga game links. In the indexes some game names have been shortened with abbreviations or dropping words in order to make their lengths more manageable. The games full names are used in the cheat pages. Click on the letter of the title your looking for then the name of the title. Once you find the game your looking for follow the directions listed there. I find it's best to write down, save or print out a games cheats.

If a cheat doesn't work it may be that my source for that cheat is wrong, you didn't do it correctly, or it only works with some versions of the game. Some games have cheats for more than one version listed. In some cases more than one game has the same name. In some cases you'll see the production companies name listed.

DISCLAIMER: You use all of these cheats, hints, level codes, solves, etc, at your own risk. I assume no responsibility of any lost data, crashes or other events that may or may not happen due to the trying of information contained herein.

Main | Amiga Game Links | Index (73k)
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z